mandag 7. februar 2011

Boat trips and the high risk of getting Bilharzia (photo update)

I know I am updating you way too often, but the access to internet is just too good in Malawi. Believe it or not. I guess it will be the last update until Sunday, as I am just going to relax the next couple of days. I will finally show you some photos with people in, and even a couple with me in.

So, like I said yesterday, this place is what heaven must look like. I will show you the beautiful sunset and some photos from the short boat trip and hike that I and one of my roommates, Gabriel, did today.

By the way, daddy I may need an appointment with the doctor when I come home (around the 6th of August), because of the high risk of getting Bilharzia here. I just need a bilharzia test. I have been in contact with the water and I am showering in high risk water, so just to be sure that I did not get it. I will buy the medicines here anyway.

So, here are the photos:

The sunset from Gecko Lounge

Gabriel and our guides Stanley and Wio (I am not sure how to write this)

By the way, don't go to the toilet



Me and Wio in front of a baobab tree on the island

Stanley is hoping to get a fish from a local fisherman

Me and my beautiful Sonics cap

We ran into a group of Baboons

A dugout canoo on the beach

That's it for this time.

Love from Big Bear:)

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